A January Ponder

A science teacher once told me to stop asking stupid questions and get on with the lesson. I wanted to know what electricity was and how electrons flow? At that stage I thought atoms were the smallest things and then I heard about electrons!
To find out that we are made of mostly space, for instance, if an atom was the size of a football stadium, it’s nucleus would be the size of a pea in the centre and the electrons would be spinning around the outer edge of the stadium, mostly empty space!
How small are electrons? Very, very, as far as I can find out, almost too small to measure.
This fascinated me, still does
“We are such stuff
As dreams are made on.”
Now, think of the universe, go on, I know you want too.
We actually don’t know what, about 85% (something like that) of the universe is made of!
Don’t know!
How wonderful is that?
If my science teacher had told me that, “We don’t know”. It would have fired my imagination, I would have loved the mystery and physics. Imagine then being given a book or two and being asked to help discover the mysteries together!
Instead I spent the next hour sitting on a cold bench in the corridor waiting to hear my fate for being so “disruptive”…..
I think it only fair to add here that I also pushed the Bunsen burner too close to the wall while I was trying to figure the complexities of magnetism and managed to set fire to the posters pinned to the wall, causing great kerfuffle.
I have been immersing myself in podcasts and re-discovering the gorgeousness of music through these awesome headphones, a gift from my beautiful family.
“And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me
And I’m feeling good”.